June 12, 2015

It doesn’t really show up in photos, but you can definitely see it from time to time.  Charles has a worry line on his forehead.  He’s accomplished what it takes many people decades of stress to achieve in only 25 days!

What have I done to stress out my child?  Photo evidence seems to indicate that he spends a lot of time thinking and that’s probably a big part of the problem.


While it’s troubling that he’s already developed a heightened sense of concern, I’m also impressed.  He’s clearly an advanced child and perceptive enough to realize that Daddy pays several bills on second notices even though he has enough funds in the bank, and eats way too much red meat.  And it probably hasn’t gone unnoticed that Mommy is kind of a careless driver who spend A LOT of time in pajamas for a grown woman.

Living in LA, I could probably find someone who specializes in Newborn Botox Treatments.  If that doesn’t exist, just taking him for some “face work” at this age might garner me the 15 minutes of fame I need to plug this blog in the National Spotlight.

Arthur on the other hand doesn’t have a care in the world.


Here he is above in his typical drunk Uncle after Thanksgiving Dinner pose.  I’m pretty sure Arthur notices the same things that Charles does but just irresponsibly figures things will take care of themselves.  He’s a chip off the old block.

I did have a signature moment with Arthur during a late night feeding last night when we both simultaneously blasted huge rump rippers.  Our bond reached new heights in that moment.  My wife and I have also passed gas at the same time, but it never happened while I held her in my arms with her adorably chugging a bottle of breast milk.  That’s probably why it didn’t have the same impact.

As far as the winner of the day, I’ll give it to Charles.  I need a worrier in my life.  He’s got me and my wife pegged and maybe he’ll force us to start being more responsible.  Nothing against, Arthur.  I like his happy go lucky attitude, but maybe I need the son who’ll tell me what I need to hear as opposed to the son who’ll tell me what I want to hear.

Least Favorite Child for June 11, 2015 – Arthur

Total Days as Least Favorite Child

Arthur – 5 Days

Charles – 3 Days